# Justfile This project uses [Just](https://github.com/casey/just) as a command runner. The following commands are available: - [bootstrap](#bootstrap) - [copier-copy](#copier-copy) - [copier-update](#copier-update) - [copier-update-all](#copier-update-all) - [coverage](#coverage) - [docs-build](#docs-build) - [docs-install](#docs-install) - [docs-serve](#docs-serve) - [fmt](#fmt) - [install](#install) - [lint](#lint) - [makemigrations](#makemigrations) - [manage](#manage) - [migrate](#migrate) - [pup](#pup) - [test](#test) - [testall](#testall) - [types](#types) ## Commands ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just --list ``` ``` Available recipes: bootstrap copier-copy TEMPLATE_PATH DESTINATION_PATH="." # apply a copier template to project copier-update ANSWERS_FILE *ARGS # update the project using a copier answers file copier-update-all *ARGS # loop through all answers files and update the project using copier coverage docs-build LOCATION="docs/_build/html" docs-install docs-serve fmt # format justfile install lint # run pre-commit on all files makemigrations *APPS # [alias: mm] manage *COMMAND migrate *ARGS pup test *ARGS testall *ARGS types ``` ### bootstrap ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just bootstrap ``` ```{code-block} shell bootstrap: @just pup @just install ``` ### copier-copy ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just copier-copy ``` ```{code-block} shell # apply a copier template to project copier-copy TEMPLATE_PATH DESTINATION_PATH=".": copier copy {{ TEMPLATE_PATH }} {{ DESTINATION_PATH }} ``` ### copier-update ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just copier-update ``` ```{code-block} shell # update the project using a copier answers file copier-update ANSWERS_FILE *ARGS: copier update --trust --answers-file {{ ANSWERS_FILE }} {{ ARGS }} ``` ### copier-update-all ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just copier-update-all ``` ```{code-block} shell # loop through all answers files and update the project using copier @copier-update-all *ARGS: for file in `ls .copier/`; do just copier-update .copier/$file "{{ ARGS }}"; done ``` ### coverage ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just coverage ``` ```{code-block} shell coverage: python -m nox --session "coverage" ``` ### docs-build ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just docs-build ``` ```{code-block} shell @docs-build LOCATION="docs/_build/html": just _cog sphinx-build docs {{ LOCATION }} ``` ### docs-install ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just docs-install ``` ```{code-block} shell @docs-install: @just pup python -m uv pip install 'django-email-relay[docs] @ .' ``` ### docs-serve ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just docs-serve ``` ```{code-block} shell @docs-serve: #!/usr/bin/env sh just _cog if [ -f "/.dockerenv" ]; then sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html --host "" else sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html --host "localhost" fi ``` ### fmt ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just fmt ``` ```{code-block} shell # format justfile fmt: just --fmt --unstable ``` ### install ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just install ``` ```{code-block} shell install: python -m uv pip install --editable '.[dev]' ``` ### lint ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just lint ``` ```{code-block} shell # run pre-commit on all files lint: python -m nox --session "lint" ``` ### makemigrations ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just makemigrations ``` ```{code-block} shell makemigrations *APPS: @just manage makemigrations {{ APPS }} ``` ### manage ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just manage ``` ```{code-block} shell manage *COMMAND: #!/usr/bin/env python import sys try: from django.conf import settings from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and " "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you " "forget to activate a virtual environment?" ) from exc settings.configure(INSTALLED_APPS=["email_relay"]) execute_from_command_line(sys.argv + "{{ COMMAND }}".split(" ")) ``` ### migrate ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just migrate ``` ```{code-block} shell migrate *ARGS: @just manage migrate {{ ARGS }} ``` ### pup ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just pup ``` ```{code-block} shell pup: python -m pip install --upgrade pip uv ``` ### test ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just test ``` ```{code-block} shell test *ARGS: python -m nox --session "test" -- "{{ ARGS }}" ``` ### testall ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just testall ``` ```{code-block} shell testall *ARGS: python -m nox --session "tests" -- "{{ ARGS }}" ``` ### types ```{code-block} shell :class: copy $ just types ``` ```{code-block} shell types: python -m nox --session "mypy" ```